Darlington, Co Durham and Tees Area Team (AT) has confirmed that a community pharmacy influenza vaccination service will be commissioned again for the 2014/15 and 2015/16 flu seasons. The AT has informed the LPC that the scheme for 2014/15 will be broadly along the same lines as the 2013/14 scheme with some refinements based on learning from the season just gone.
There is a meeting of the AT’s flu steering group on 30 June after which further details (e.g. training requirements) will be available. The LPC will contact you again with more information as soon as possible, in the meantime we thought that you would appreciate as much notice as possible that the service will be recommissioned this year so you can begin to give consideration to making the necessary arrangements.
There is a meeting of the AT’s flu steering group on 30 June after which further details (e.g. training requirements) will be available. The LPC will contact you again with more information as soon as possible, in the meantime we thought that you would appreciate as much notice as possible that the service will be recommissioned this year so you can begin to give consideration to making the necessary arrangements.